♦ πŸ† 1 min, 🐌 3 min

Jamboree Day 10

Woke up at 6:45 and packed up. The I accompanied Jure to the shooting range. On our way we meat a few wild turkeys. Rifles were pretty cool though a thing you try once and you're done with it.

Once we finished up at the shooting range we headed to the bows and arrows. On our way to bows we almost walked into the shotgun shooting range since they were already removing the signs. On the way we saw that there were like few hundred more stations for shotgun. If Americans had enough staff the whole range would be enormous.

Jure went to shoot with bows and I parked my ass into the shade to chill out a bit and edit the photos. On our way back to the sub camp we meat people trading scarfs, badges, ... everywhere. Not so surprising since it was the last day of the Jamboree. People were trading in the dirt, sun, shade, ...

In the camp we packed up most of our gear and teared down half of the tents. This time the participants needed a bit of delegation so I gladly stepped into that role. In 2h campsite was almost ready for the departure. At 18:00 I headed to the Summit arena for the photo shoot of IST. Quite few people own me drinks now πŸ˜‚

After the photo shoot we parked our ourselves in the arena for the closing ceremony. Most of Jamboree participants arrived to the arena almost an hour earlier. But ceremony didn't start at 20:00 but an hour later.. Yeah organisers wanted a clear sky. Swedes in 2011 didn't mind the rain and we had the closing ceremony and fireworks during a heavy rain.

Since I was board in the arena for two hours I did a bit of a photo shoot:

At some point the organisers randomly dropped the paratroopers from a helicopter. Then nothing happened for another 45 minutes. At 21:00 the ceremony started with some sort of the ceremonial song. Then we had to listen to a few speeches by WOSM guys:

and a speech by former UN Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon who is apparently a scout. He poked the bear with climate change topic. BSA scouts were not happy about it. I really liked Moon's statement: We don’t have plan B for global warming because we don’t have planet B. Friends said that he stole statement from somewhere but I liked it anyway.

Later on BSA handed over the organisation of the world scout Jamboree to the delegation of South Korea. Then boring part finally came to an end a cover bend played a few songs. Among them: Old town road, Country rods, ...

Then whole arena went dark. It looked like that someone hacked the computers and that whole arena has crashed. Apparently it was all part of the show. Some wired music thing followed:

LED-s were turning on and off on the dancers. Looked pretty cool though music was well wired. Maybe I'm just to old for this stuff. Anyway participants seemed to enjoy it. The ceremony was wrapped up by a 15 minutes of fireworks, lasers, fires:

We had fireworks all around us. In front of us and at the back. Not sure what was the point of the whole thing. It looked nice though.

At 23:30 we came back to the camp site and went to sleep. OK I was awake till 0:45 to edit the photos from the day for a newspaper publication.

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