🐆 1 min, 🐌 3 min

🔬 Life Experiment 23, 2021

Hey There.

So I was about to publish the 60th atomic essay. But:

🔬 Weekly experiment 22, 2021

Had the draft in Grammarly already. It would take me another 15 minutes to publish it. But I stopped. Closed the computer and went straight to bed. Why? It was 2 in the morning again.

You see, I had a pretty sustainable publishing schedule before I started ship30for30. The newsletter was flowing weekly. I wrote another long-form article, sometimes two per week. So far, so good.

After two months of writing those essay's, I'm back to barely having enough material each week for this newsletter. So what happened?

Was writing daily essays too much? No.

Did I work on the whole thing properly? Yes.

But the reality was this. I was draining myself by writing daily essays. Not with essays themselves, but because I wasn't willing to let go of my other thinking endowers like 8h of PhD work, for example.

Why did I push through 60 iterations? If you really want to do something, you find the time. Well, that's amm ...

My job is a bit mentally exhausting. So after 8 h of equations and coding, I'm too drained to do the creative work from start to finish.

If I force my mind even more after work, I drain it too much.

So how did I write before?

I didn't write in sacred hours. I wrote my thoughts down all the time. Once they accumulated, I produced a finished piece. I've been writing long enough to know that I'll write 1 - 3h each day anyway. Just maybe I won't write about one particular thing all the time.

Yes, this ship 30 for 30 essays was destroying the rest of my writing habits. It was habit creation one-o-one.

Habit creation is excellent. But not if it derails the rest of your life.

So should you keep persuing the habit that's destroying the rest of your life? Hell no.

So what am I switching back to?

Low mental power writing.

So how does that work?

I don't force the mind.

I dump thoughts from my brain for about 2 - 3h a day (spaced through the day however it feels right). I don't force the thinking. Whatever comes, comes.

Then suddenly, your brain has an epiphany, and you simply catch it. You didn't force your thinking. You allowed it to pop up naturally.

Why does that matter? Because every day, you are limited with the number of brainpower/compute power you can use. But to push more out of the brain, you have to go further. You have to peel thoughts off layer by layer instead of forcing them out.

Once you remove all the upper layers, the thoughts deeper in your brain just pop up with minimal effort.

That's it. Creativity with conserved mental power. What else do you want?

Stuff that's better than YouTube or whatever else you consume.

We've got a few essays, threads, and conversations again:

Don't forget to experiment and cheers till the next experiment.


P.S. Sharing is caring, so forward this newsletter to at least two friends. The friend who subscribes to the newsletter after you forwarded it to them has to send you a bag of gummy bears in return. Plus, send pics, or it didn't happen 😉

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